The Anonymous Nirbhayas
Nirbhaya's Anonymous Mask
Since Nirbhaya’s face was never revealed by her parents, and understandably so, I have chosen to have Superheroine Nirbhaya wear a mask similar to the Anonymous mask.
The Anonymous mask is an iconic symbol of protesters in the West and the Middle East during the Occupy Movement and the Arab Spring movement, respectively. Read more about it here - https://www.bustle.com/articles/64933-what-do-anonymous-masks-mean-theyre-steeped-in-historical-and-cultural-meaning.
I felt that this would be a fitting way to depict Nirbhaya as representing an anonymous multitude of Indian women who have experienced rape and sexual violence and are rising up against this injustice.
Anonymous Nirbhaya

A close-up of Nirbhaya Superheroine in an enlarged comic book panel titled, “Who is Nirbhaya?”
Nirbhaya’s mask is distinctly feminine and Indian, compared to the Anonymous mask in the West which is male with a prominent moustache and Imperial beard. Nirbhaya’s mask, is adorned with a bindi, kohl, nose stud, and lip color, and devoid of the moustache and beard.
The Multitude of Anonymous Nirbhayas
Imagine all the Indian women who have experienced sexual violence. Now imagine if that multitude of women, the hundreds of thousands of Anonymous Nirbhayas were to rise up, and give an ultimatum to the nation-state of India.
Knowing the dynamic, untapped potential of Indian women, expect a revolution.
“We are the Anonymous Nirbhayas. We are legion.
We do not forgive. We do not forget. Expect us.”
The multitude of Anonymous Nirbhayas, giving an ultimatum to the nation-state.