Pritika Chowdhry in the News

Jacqui Palumbo, "'Anti-memorials' honor Indian Partition's unseen victims, 75 years on," CNN, August 12, 2022.
Indira Khera, WBEZ Newscast (from 1:12 onwards), NPR Chicago, August 15, 2022.
Manny Ramos, “Chicago artist hopes King Charles can do what his mother did not,” Chicago Sun-Times, September 9, 2022.
Abigail Banerji, “Artist Pritika Chowdhry is bringing stories of India’s partition to the global stage,” Hindustan Times, April 1, 2022.
Jayashree Narayanan, “Artist Pritika Chowdhry’s ‘anti-memorials’ illustrate what is excluded from collective memories of Partition,” Indian Express, April 18, 2022.
Nidhi Lodaya, “She Confronts History,” Mid-Day, March 27, 2022.
Dilpreet Bhullar, “Pritika Chowdhry uses memory maps to rethink contours of the Indian subcontinent,” STIR World, October 29, 2022.
Kamayani Sharma, "Ep 18: Remembering the Present - The 1947 Partition | Pritika Chowdhry", ARTalaap: Conversations on Visual Culture, August 20, 2022.
Neha Aziz, "The Treatment of Women: Part Two (with Pritika Chowdhry)," Partition, September 5, 2022.
Bob Chaundy, "Considering Art Podcast – Pritika Chowdhry, installation artist and sculptor," Considering Art, September 9, 2022.
J.J. Charlesworth, "ArtReview Asia’s Guide to Summer Exhibitions Around the World," ArtReview Asia, July 12, 2022.
Kabir Jhala, "India and Pakistan turn 75: exhibitions on independence and partition to see around the world," The Art Newspaper, August 12, 2022.
Avantika Shankar, "13 new art shows you must catch in August 2022," Vogue India, August 13, 2022.
Susannah Papish, "Your Concise Chicago Art Guide for Fall 2022," Hyperallergic, September 7, 2022.
Nina Potischman, "Revisiting Pritika Chowdhry’s Feminist and Decolonial Installations Speaking to India’s Partition for Women’s History Month," Art Spiel magazine.
Vittoria Benzine, “The Partition Anti-Memorial Project by Pritika Chowdhry,” WhiteHot, March 2022.
Tahira Rani Ali, "Art that Creates Connections: Socio-Political Artist Pritika Chowdhry’s Anti-Memorial About Partitions," ArteFuse, February 26, 2022.
Taylor F. Engle, "Artist of the Information Age Educates Audience About India’s Partition," Grit Daily, March 14, 2022.
Nina Potischman, "Revisiting Artist Pritika Chowdhry’s Oeuvre for the 75th Anniversary of India’s Partition," Cult Bytes, June 14, 2022.
Karan Kaushik, "Unbearable Memories, Unspeakable Histories: Chicago-based Indian Artist Pritika Chowdhry On Her Partition Anti-Memorial Project," Travel & Leisure, August 12, 2022.
Manish Sain, "Unbearable Memories, Unspeakable Histories: Anti-memorial project bears witness to silenced narratives of the Partition," First Post, August 15, 2022.
Broadcast interview about “Ungrievable Lives: The Ghosts of 9/11,” nationally syndicated to ABC, NBC, CBS, and Fox affiliates, US Post, Daily Breaking News Videos, Daily Advent, and Google News.
Nirbhaya Project featured in the Hindustan Times, a major national daily newspaper in India, on the 9th anniversary of the Nirhaya gang-rape case.
“Ungrievable Lives: 9/11/2001” artwork featured in “Affective Heritage and the Politics of Memory after 9/11: Curating Trauma at the Memorial Museum,” by Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, Routledge Press, 1st edition.
“Silent Waters” featured in Art Seen - The Curator’s Salon Magazine.
Featured as a Social Impact Hero in the Authority Magazine.
"Empty Time" featured in essay by Eloise Rattle in "Life as a Human" online magazine.
“Endlessly” featured in curatorial essay and catalog of “Superusted” exhibition by curator, Cheryl Wigren Clyne.
“Silent Waters” featured on cover of Weisman Art Museum newsletter, curatorial essay, titled “in Local Time” by curator, Diane Mullin.
“What the Nation Re-members: Resisting Victim Nationalism in Partition Memorial Project,” by Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, in GeoHumanities: Space, Place, and the Humanities, 1(2): 398-413.
Artist featured in Star Tribune, for her work in the Fourth Midwest Biennial at the Soap Factory, Minneapolis, MN.
“Rummaging through the wreckage: Geographies of trauma, memory, and loss at the National September 11th Memorial & Museum at the World Trade Center,” by Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, featuring the artist’s works, pages 131-136.
“’Subaltern’ Remembrances: Mapping Affective Approaches to Partition Memory,” by Jacque Micieli-Voutsinas, featuring the artist’s works published in Social Transformations Journal of the Global South 1(1):27-58
Artist featured in “The Line Media,” for her installation in the Northern Spark Festival.
Artist’s website featured on “Local Artist Interviews” in Minneapolis, MN.
“Of Kites, Kurties, and Cartography,” by Quddus Mirza, The News, Lahore, Pakistan.
Broadcast interview about “Broken Column” at City 42, live TV channel, Lahore, Pakistan.
“Artwork Remembers the Crooked Line,” in The Dawn, Lahore, Pakistan.
“LOC (Line of Control)” on Art Shart blog, by Rabbya Naseer.
“Geography and Identity,” by Dylan Thomas, The Southwest Journal, Minneapolis, MN.
“Partition in Memoriam” by Jacque Micieli, “Encounters: International Journal for the Study of Culture and Society.”
“Subaltern Remembrances” by Jacque Micieli, Women’s Memory Work publication.
“Dimensions of Indigenous” by Sheila Regan, City Pages, Minneapolis, MN.
Curatorial essay by Mary Birmingham, “Erasing Borders, 2010” exhibit catalog, published by Indo-American Arts Council.
“Retellings” exhibition review in Indian Express Delhi and Calcutta editions, The Statesman, Delhi Events, and Time Out Delhi.
“Remembering the Crooked Lines,” exhibit featured in The Tribune India, New Delhi.
“Prints: Now in 3D!” exhibition review by Kerry Anne Morgan, Mid American Print Council Journal.
“Strung, Hung, Drawn, and Quartered,” catalog essay of “Engendered” exhibit, by Amina Begum Ahmed.
“Boundaries and Borderlands,” catalog essays by Nisha Kommatam and Tarini Bedi in exhibit catalog for “What the Body Remembers” solo exhibit in DoVA Temporary, Chicago.
Curatorial essay by Vijay Kumar in catalog of “Erasing Borders, 2009” exhibit, published by Indo-American Arts Council.
Article referencing Transdiasporic Art Practices curatorial framework in “Exiles, Diasporas, and Strangers”, ed. by Kobena Mercer.
Article published in the August issue of “Susceptible to Images” magazine.
Article published in the December issue of Asian Wisconzine.
Painting titled “Awakening” published in “Her Mark” datebook, an annual publication by Womanmade gallery, Chicago, IL.